fall is here!

An ABSOLUTELY gorgeous morning with windows open, birds singing, cats out playing... and the dog snores on, LOL. I spent yesterday from 10:30am-1:30pm becoming a member of the Gulfport Gem & Mineral Society. Met some interesting people, had a tasty potluck lunch, and now to see where it goes from there. Still trying to find people who are really interested in Art Day with free tutorials. workshops, etc being held at my house monthly. Trying to be patient. Have thought about stalking people in the paper crafts aisle at Michael's & Hobby Lobby craft stores but am not quite to that point....yet.

No real plans for today other than St Pat's by 8am, home for some lunch, pack meals for work tomorrow & set out clothes... then PLAY TIME! Rainy weekend here has been really lovely. Saw some terrific great blue herons winging along the shore yesterday... may go back today with my camera & see if any of them are cooperative. Maybe down to the old beatup pier for some pelican shots. and some cards,... love to play with some paper when I have a few free moments.

May the Fall Equinox find you and shower you with blessings all the day long...Blessed Be.


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