Tara's first day

well, Tara has relieved our concerns about using the bathroom... sigh Kept taking her for walks yesterday & last night but no potty action. Tara apparently was finally relaxed enough to potty... peed twice & loose stool in 2 different places in library so I have spent last hour cleaning carpet in there, then closed off all rooms On the good side, however, she speaks CAT and gives them wide berth ... even Abigale can't seem to find too much to fuss about :-). She is adapting well to being inside, climbing porch steps, laying on HER bed (not on couch) and she is eating, drinking, well-behaved around yesterday's art folk. Our only OUTDOOR issue is that she has found a low spot in fence to exit yard. Bud is apparently too large to use that spot... Tara is not... bigger sigh...So now I head off to repair fenceline, right after I feed the other 15 beings that live here...