over & over & over
this is what we tell clients ALL DAY LONG when the temp drops... sigh.... Myth: I will use about 1000 gallons a year I have a 500 gallon tank I need to fill it twice a year I will fill it in the summer when prices are lower Truth: You will use about 1200 gallons a year You will use about 80% (or 960) of those gallons in a 5 mo period (Nov-March) We HIGHLY recommend a 5-6 week KEEP CHECK cycle to ensure you do not run out during that time. That is approximately 3 trip revolutions, averaging 300 gallons per trip A 500 gallon tank ONLY HOLDS 400 gallons It is NOT FACTUAL that propane is cheaper in the summer, higher in winter Propane prices move with crude & happenings in the MIDDLE EAST, not temp Our profession is to ensure your residence does not run out of gas Running out of propane shortens the life of your appliance(s) Running out of propane requires a Safety Inspection, costing you money Someone ...