
Showing posts from January 31, 2021

Post-January Check-in

 Well, January has come and gone. Covid19 still here, mask mandates still in place, gas prices still rising. It is cold but I am going camping in a few days so that is okay. Severus is not thrilled with seeing more of Harley as he pops out of his room.  So, the goals for last month were:  1) Blog the 1st of each month: I admit today is the 2nd. But yesterday was a work day, and a long day. Blogging is like the moon, in that the energy is valid a day before and after. :-)  "ON TARGET" 2) Maintain an intentional spiritual practice: I observed both the new and full moons with a fire and friends. I am journaling at least weekly. I set a grid out for the lunar cycle. And i will be observing Imbolc this evening when home from work. "ON TARGET"            3) Lose one pound each month: I actually did! "ON TARGET" February will see me packing for our upcoming trip, taking down the altar for Imbolc and setting up one for Spring Equinox, planning in my planners for c