a day in the life....

Work is what it is...busy. Closed last night so got home around 7pm what did I find?? Laureli had mowed the front yard!! One thing crossed off my list of things to do and I'd only been home a minute. So I started on the back yard & mowed until it got dark. This morning, even BEFORE my coffee (it was still brewing) I finished mowing the back yard! Now, after imbibing coffee & breakfast I have showered & am ready for my day full of fun things I am required to do. 1st if meeting Casey & Anne for an Altar guild meeting @ 9:30am. Then an interview @ the Michael's Craft Store in the Crossroads Center. I was in there a couple of weeks ago & was helping another customer when a red shirted employee asked if I would like to apply for a job. Informed her I had one already. Her response was that they needed a part time paper crafting class instructor so I figured "Eh, why not?" and gave her my card. They called last week and I had the preliminary interview o...