a day in the life....
Work is what it is...busy. Closed last night so got home around 7pm what did I find?? Laureli had mowed the front yard!! One thing crossed off my list of things to do and I'd only been home a minute. So I started on the back yard & mowed until it got dark. This morning, even BEFORE my coffee (it was still brewing) I finished mowing the back yard! Now, after imbibing coffee & breakfast I have showered & am ready for my day full of fun things I am required to do. 1st if meeting Casey & Anne for an Altar guild meeting @ 9:30am. Then an interview @ the Michael's Craft Store in the Crossroads Center. I was in there a couple of weeks ago & was helping another customer when a red shirted employee asked if I would like to apply for a job. Informed her I had one already. Her response was that they needed a part time paper crafting class instructor so I figured "Eh, why not?" and gave her my card. They called last week and I had the preliminary interview on Wednesday and now.... 11am today is the full on event. Next on the list is Sam's, lunch with the BF then home to pack for tonight's 5pm art group. I will be teaching a "10 cards in 20 minutes" class as well as a quickie way to turn ugly 12x12 paper into useful notebooks. Join me there....? Long Beach Church of Christ across from the WinnDixe & LBHS campus. Here is one of the cards we will be making tonight...
