
Showing posts from May 12, 2019

Trying to get back to me.....

To those that follow my blog, I apologize. I went back and I looked at when I had last blogged. Actually, over the last seven weeks (yes, I know. I am sorry I have been such a slacker) I have been looking back over a few things. That is about all I have had the energy for as of late. I went back to work on the 28th of March. It was too soon, I think. I should have taken the extra week I was given by my Cancer Team, but… Sigh. What have I been looking at besides cancer bills & such? Today for Mother's Day we went to go see Avengers: Endgame. Took us until last night to watch the first 20 movies in timeline order so today was the day!! As far as things I looked at online? I am actually thinking of deactivating my Facebook account. It came to my attention when, laid up with very little I could do, that I saw very little of what my 137 friends were posting. And of those 137, some are dead and 3 or 4 of them are dogs. Actual dogs. So why am I only seeing a few people? Unless I...