
Showing posts from July 7, 2013

Help is on its way

So, woke @ 3:07am on my day off.... went back to sleep. Awoke again @ 7:34am to find the Little River Band playing in my head. Since work is trying to run me into the ground I would LIKE to think this is prophetic and our ROD will finally see that having the unit be short staffed is a BAD THING and will let the FA hire at least one person to replace the 2 we lost in May. There are 2 main perks to working where I do. One is the fact that we are only SUPPOSED to be working 3 days per week, every other day (MWF or TTS). You work like a dog those three days but you get 4 days off which is plenty of time to do laundry, hold art classes, have lunch with friends, sit and read on the beach, etc. Working 5 or 6 like some of are is frekin' ridiculous! arghhhhh The other is PTO (Paid time off) which is accrued as a percentage of hours worked. I am accruing roughly a day of PTO every week. Right now the pisser is that you can only accrue up to 120 hours. Then it stops. Unless you use it,...