
Showing posts from March 9, 2008

It's not my time

Well, actually woke up with 2 songs... the link above (title) and Melissa's "Message to Myself". It is Friday so I have set Pandora to "Workin' for the weekend" channel. It is also payday, but since we don't get checks until the end of the day on a Friday, can't really do anything except deposit the money & wait for bank to post it on Monday.... not that I had any expensive plans anyways. Saturday is art day at SSS, Sunday is a workdate in N Austin for RCG-A. Got one of the walkways down... decomposed granite from back door (Rebel's) to dog yard (grandpuppy). Got my MySpace page updated and met a new pagan buddy from up north that has come to Texas.... all in all, can't really complain about the week... lots of good stuff going on...

I am a HufflePuff

Sort me!
Hufflepuff Loyal. Dependable. True. Just. What an honor to be sorted into Hufflepuff! The house based on values and virtues over simply deeds. Not that the Hufflepuffs don't do anything worthwhile, it's just that here importance is based more on how you are, not what you do. Hufflepuff is all about acceptance. Since when is that a bad thing? In Hufflepuff, there is a fallacy that the members are simply average, not good enough to get into the other houses. This is most definately not so. Just because Hufflepuff doesn't discriminate against people for not being good enough (or brave, smart, and ambitious enough), does not mean that the entire house is full of wimps, as people seem to think. While, yes. hard-workers are most likely to enter Hufflepuff, this does not mean there aren't other qualities. The fact that Helga Hufflepuff will take "all the rest" can and is seen as a bad thing, by some. A Hufflepuff is loyal to their friends, trustworthy and patient,...

showing my age

well... I have some pics but they are still in camera.... we spent Saturday & Sunday being very productive homeowners... plants, trees, shed painting, making sidewalks, the like... all in a 30-45 mile an hour wind... the paint was all over me as well as the to spend some time at The Natural Gardener Saturday and got some really cool plants! Cast Iron plants, some sages, rosemary, peppermings, olive tree... some other neat things I can't pronounce or spell!