
Showing posts from December 20, 2015

Winter Solstice, the US Navy & Merry Christmas to all...

Is that why they call it a "Good Deed"? Because you feel really good inside, long after you've done it? So, went to the post office @ 8:30am this morning because (A) that's when they open & (B) I had my last 2 packages to send out. As I walked up to the door there was a young man in uniform (Navy) juggling the door and his packages. I did the right thing byu holding the door open for him, of course. He said Thank you & then, when we were both inside, asked if I knew about what size box he'd need to buy in order to send "these" (by which he indicated ALL the wrapped presents in his arms) to the same location. I helped him pick a box & get everything in & secured and then helped him get it up to Claudia (she's important, remember her in a bit, ok?). Claudia knows me and sees my 2 Priority Smalls... told her he was going first & I was just helping him size & pack. So, long story short, we get Navy guy all together & packed ...