Spring has Sprung

and with is the yard got mowed...AGAIN!! It really is a lovely yard. I am on track for the #52in2018 challenge, in spite of work. I am on task for my Mission Inspiration Challenges. The monthly work schedule was posted. Suzi has seen multiple rides this week due to awesome weather. Even rode with a friend (or 2). Tonight is birthday night for my monthly Art Gals so packing up my project now and then heading out. All in all a great month so far. The only down side to this month has been the appointment I made for Bud Mastiff's final vet visit next month. The time has come. I am taking him home to see his Daddy & GreatGranddad and see if anything is left on his bucket list. As my Dad so nicely put it: Ol’ Man Bud’s finally gonna cross the Rainbow Bridge and go live in the Land of Kibbles & Bits... Ecclesiastes 3 (1) “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (2) “A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time ...