Dinner with the Pink Panther

Late but lovely evening last night.. .. .. Spirit got home & then we headed out the door for a dinner date. Get this... no potluck, no cooking, no effort at all on my part except show up & eat. How awesome is that? And eat I did... steaks still juicy, mango avocado chutney, roasted ears of corn & baked yams.... we had great food and even better time spent in conversation with some friends we'd not seen in quite some time. Been over a year, I think? Am participating in a month-long assessment of strengths, based on the book StrengthsQuest by Tom Rath, over on HighLowAha . Today was a listing of your top 5 strengths and opening up come chat about the accuracy of your findings. I thought mine was fairly accurate. So, Week/Strength 1 (of 5) : Connectedness Things happen for a reason. You are sure of it. You are sure of it because in your soul you know that we are all connected. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free wil...