a day in the life of...

So... Tara starts pacing at about 5:21am....take me out... I have to pee...... which is done, and then the bed is crawled back into. Bud has a larger bladder :-) Then the alarm goes off a tad later and Callie jumps into the center of the bed, all meows. So I pet her for a bit, waiting on Bud to stroll in... then I pet them both. I hear Buoy in the kitchen, meowing for fresh water. And Spirit is up by now because I hear coffee grinding and Tara has been let back inside. So I stretch my feet/calves (plantar fasciitis) and then roll outta bed and into the bathroom for shower/teeth/sinus rinse. I get dressed, put Callie & Buoy outside for a bit on their leashes then I go sit at the computer to post here & go read HighLowAha. By this time Spirit has fed the fish and the dogs and is now cutting up 6 lizard salads. And, based on how QUIET the guinea pig now is, I am betting she, too, has been attended to. Abigale is on the computer desk, trying to fish my fingers off the keyboard and on to her. :-) The dogs come strolling in after their breakfast and I head into the kitchen to make people breakfast & lunches for the day. Then coffee, eat, and out the door by 7am.


Peggy said…
Wow! and i thought I had it bad with two dogs, two kids and the hubster..... sounds like you've had a day before the day begins!!

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