Here we go!!

Well, today is Thursday...Jade will be in town signing one of her books @ Bookwoman!! And then the WTI weekend Fri-Sun at PineCrone in Bastrop. This will be my 2nd event of this type, but the 1st one at PineCrone, so I am really excited. For this weekend, I will be studying the Goddess in her many forms as well as making a presentation on the Goddess Isis. Spirit is presenting Artemis. Good thing I am taking off at noon on Friday or there would be a lot of things left undone. Jade's deal is tonight @ 7pm in Central Austin, so will be close to 10pm before we get home, then Friday we have to be in Bastrop by 5pm... EEEEEK!!! Also want to get my Alabama Gal some stuff @ Hancock Fabrics as they are having a "going out of business" sale. Lots of cool stuff in there, I tell ya! Also need to make a casserole, Spirit is making a cake...all sorts of things need to happen. Plus caring for the 14 babies whilst we run in and out over the weekend.