well, the Rebel will end 20 years today @ 1:14pm CST. So @ 1:15pm Rebel will begin 21st years, and 3rd decade... how about that to make 20 sound old? LOL Spirit & I are planning in taking Rebel to Kobe steakhouse if he does not get a better offer...waiting to hear back. Oh, parenting, I tell ya! And, a PERFECT day, considering the celebration, to do nothing. Validating that thought, the spell for today is from Paniteowl... who tells us it’s time to honor the dormant time, and allow yourself to rest before the active growth of new ideas. Place two unlit green candles in the center of a space. Place a needle and thread and a pair of scissors alongside the candles. Place a small cup of dirt and a packet of seeds on the other side of the candles. Think about the need for all living things to be dormant in order to gather the energy necessary for growth, and remind yourself that you too need that time of rest. Think about the projects you want to start and nurture in the coming year. ...