I DID it!!!

Well, one scrapbook down, 2 to go. Got the one from May-Nov 06 done Saturday. It encompassed my birthday vacation, the Handfasting in August and Spirit's surprise birthday party. All twenty-four pages of it. That leaves Rebel's baby pics (keep in mind he'll be TWENTY in two days) and then Rebel's high school football years (he's a SOPHOMORE now in college). Sigh. Keeping in mind that we slept in, then I had to feed the babies, do some household chores, etc... started on it about 12:30pm and got it done around 7:30pm. So seven hours of work for 6-7 months of pics... now, if that is true for the rest... EGADS!! 20 Years of pictures for one album, 3 years of pictures for another. Patience.......................................... patience grasshopper. LMAO


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