Short song, go will post it rather than link you... Opening Up in Sweet Surrender We are opening up in sweet surrender to the luminous love-light of the One (2x) We are opening, we are opening (2x) Updated by Father on Sunday when he got back from SA Methodist...Mom is now being obnoxious - an attempt to force them them to KICK her out? Saturday afternoon a nurse came in to tell her she was getting an MRI @ 4 PM; she says "I'm NOT having an MRI w/o Xanax, so they bring her one @ 3:55pm (!?!) & then wait until 8pm to take her down for it.......THAT didn't work, of course... Mother is not patient and sitting there WAITING 4 hours just made it worse. One of the doc's associates appeared Sunday morning and proceeded to chastise her about the MRI; she explains what went on, he says "OK, then we'll do a CT Scan instead"Finally, she just flat out asks "Why do I NEED an MRI or a CT Scan?" He says "Of your head, because you...