
Showing posts from November 2, 2008

Honoring Women in Amercian History...

This morning I wanted to focus on a little American history. The following is an excerpt from a piece found on the website... "In the early nineteenth century, women were considered second-class citizens whose existence was limited to the interior life of the home and care of the children. Women were considered sub-sets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their wages, or sign a contract, much less vote." ..................................................................................................... "It was expected that women be obedient wives, never to hold a thought or opinion independent of their husbands. It was considered improper for women to travel alone or to speak in public. With the belief that intense physical or intellectual activity would be injurious to the delicate female biology and reproductive system, women were taught to refrain from pursuing any serious edu...

Honoring Women in Amercian History...

This morning I wanted to focus on a little American history. The following is an excerpt from a piece found on the website... "In the early nineteenth century, women were considered second-class citizens whose existence was limited to the interior life of the home and care of the children. Women were considered sub-sets of their husbands, and after marriage they did not have the right to own property, maintain their wages, or sign a contract, much less vote." ..................................................................................................... "It was expected that women be obedient wives, never to hold a thought or opinion independent of their husbands. It was considered improper for women to travel alone or to speak in public. With the belief that intense physical or intellectual activity would be injurious to the delicate female biology and reproductive system, women were taught to refrain from pursuing any serious educ...


Well... late one Monday night (Oct 20th) I was laying out my grandpuppy's bed for the evening (I can't expect him to just sleep on the floor now, can I?!?) and when I leaned over, I could not stand back up. WTF?? So after spending a couple of days in severe pain, I began to improve. Until last weekend, when the neighbors staked out their dog directly in front of my door (across the property line, of course). So, re-wrenched what had sorta begun healing and was right back where I started. Sigh. On a 10 scale, I was right at a 7-8. Spent a LOT of time on the couch on heat. Mainly because I could not get up. Sigh again. Gave in, went to see a massage therapist on Tuesday. Not just a massage PERSON, but a THERAPIST. Think physical therapy, folks. While not immediately cured, I did note GREAT improvement in many areas... such as driving, getting out of bed, getting dressed BY MYSELF. ... You know, the little things...LOL. Have not done much of anything in the way of art, planting, y...

A to-do list for Obama?

PART 1 - DAY ONE Stop Torture and Abuse Close Guantanamo and Restore the Rule of Law for Detainees End and Prohibit the Practice of Extraordinary Rendition PART 2 - FIRST 100 DAYS 1. Warrantless spying. 2. Watch lists. 3. Freedom of Information - Ashcroft Doctrine. 4. Monitoring of activists. 5. DOJ's Civil Rights Division. 6. Real ID Act. 7. Abortion gag rule. 8. Ban all workplace discrimination against sexual minorities by the federal government and its contractors. 9. Death penalty. 10. "Faith-based initiatives."

Inaugural Poem Maya Angelou 20 January 1993

A Rock, A River, A Tree Hosts to species long since departed, Marked the mastodon. The dinosaur, who left dry tokens Of their sojourn here On our planet floor, Any broad alarm of their hastening doom Is lost in the gloom of dust and ages. But today, the Rock cries out to us, clearly, forcefully, Come, you may stand upon my Back and face your distant destiny, But seek no haven in my shadow. I will give you no more hiding place down here. You, created only a little lower than The angels, have crouched too long in The bruising darkness, Have lain too long Face down in ignorance. Your mouths spilling words Armed for slaughter. The Rock cries out today, you may stand on me, But do not hide your face. Across the wall of the world, A River sings a beautiful song, Come rest here by my side. Each of you a bordered country, Delicate and strangely made proud, Yet thrusting perpetually under siege. Your armed struggles for profit Have left collars of waste upon My shore, currents of debris upon my...

Election begins way for change

I got this from a group I work with & support regularly... With the historic victory of Barack Obama last night and the shift of the House and Senate toward a more progressive makeup, the nation is poised not only to reverse the terrible legacy of the Bush administration but to fundamentally re-envision environmental protection and respect for diversity of all kinds. The Center for Biological Diversity looks forward to working with the Obama administration and the new Congress to take swift action to stem the extinction crisis, reverse the current course toward runaway global warming, and promote the cultural diversity that is the essential foundation of a fulfilling life for all peoples, plants, and animals. Mass extinction, global warming, and erosion of diversity are the greatest threats humanity has ever faced. The time left to address them is growing short. In our 20 years advocating for wildlife, wilderness, and untamed culture, we've never be...