Election begins way for change

I got this from a group I work with & support regularly...
Center for Biological Diversity

With the historic victory of Barack Obama last night and the shift of the House and Senate toward a more progressive makeup, the nation is poised not only to reverse the terrible legacy of the Bush administration but to fundamentally re-envision environmental protection and respect for diversity of all kinds.

The Center for Biological Diversity looks forward to working with the Obama administration and the new Congress to take swift action to stem the extinction crisis, reverse the current course toward runaway global warming, and promote the cultural diversity that is the essential foundation of a fulfilling life for all peoples, plants, and animals.

Mass extinction, global warming, and erosion of diversity are the greatest threats humanity has ever faced. The time left to address them is growing short. In our 20 years advocating for wildlife, wilderness, and untamed culture, we've never before witnessed a presidential election with so much promise to actually solve these issues.


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