Dinner @ PVs was very nice...homemade spaghetti sauce, salad, bread... and a pie for dessert! Spirit helped hang some items on the wall while I started doing a re-do of my last organization attempt on the "arts & craft" room. Then a quick stop by the hospital to check in on Peace. Speaking of... armed with some careful instructions from her ER doc, Peace has just been sent home. Sweet! no smoking, no caffiene, better diet & eating habits, no lifting, no heavy exertion, must swallow 4 different Rxs and an aspirin every day... but other than that ... A GREAT day to be alive, in my opinion. And being sent home (IMHO) this fast indicates that she should make an almost full recovery. If the doc had concerns or doubts, I don't think he'd send her home so fast. :-) Now to see how much rest one can actually achieve with 2 kids home from school (xmas break), a dog, well-wishing friends stopping by, and a job you can't go to until the doc says so. Joined 2 m...