well DAMN! + gods & goddesses

Peace had a heart attack yesterday afternoon... went from feeling some chest pains while at work to calling an ambulance to the ER doc finding a blood clot to having a heart attack while AT the hospital.... I guess if you are going to have one, that is the best possible place? Still in ICU, they say will be there rest of this week, probably...put a stent (device placed in a body structure such as a blood vessel to provide support and keep the structure open.) into her heart. Stay tuned, and please keep Peace in your thoughts.

UPDATE:: Peace is now in a hospital room and is expected to recover, altho lifestyle changes are immediately in store...we'll drop by this evening after dinnre in town w/P&V.

Finally got Enigma's yule gift delivered...and met the new SO. Seems to be really nice. And not at all hard on the eyes, I might add... :-)

Also got the baby uros seperated into their own 10 gallon tanks, complete with heat lamps & UV lighting. Taking some time to get the heat tweaked just right... whereas the dragons bask around 105'F, the uros like it REALLY hot... 115-120'F! We bumped them from the 75W clear heat bulbs the dragons use to 100W, with 120W on hand just in case more is needed. Diana, (
named for the goddess of the Moon... a gentle goddess and a healer of ills that protected animals from injury) has really perked up since being seperated from Dionysus (named for the Greek god of wine and ecstacy). She is getting baths daily, rather than just twice a week like the other 5. Hopefully this will keep her hydrated & help her heal... she's got some puckering on her flank where Dion was picking on her, as well as a raw spot on her tail. She was awake and even perky this morning... I hand fed her several little pieces of mustard greens and she was quite active in getting them.

Was going to wait til this afternoon to feed the dragons crickets since it was only 66'F in their den, but Hecate (named for the g
oddess of hidden wisdom, change and darkness. She's also the Queen of Witches. ) kept looking at me with those "pitiful, woe is me" eyes, so I gave in. I am a sucker, I know. Indra (named for the god of thunder and rain and a great warrior, a symbol of courage and strength) was on his basking spot... unusual for him...so even he was cold, I bet. Loki (named for the Norse god associated with all forms of mischief, stealth, thievery, revenge, lies and dark magick, and natural disasters like earthquakes, and fires) was still asleep on his hammock, but Luna (named for the Roman goddess of the Moon, animals, and hunting) was watching my every move... waiting for just one cricket! Seeing a pattern in the names? We also have the 3 furries, based on the Three Furies of Hercules' time. Then there are the pythons... Agathos & Daimon. We have so much fun picking out names for them all!


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