
Showing posts from February 3, 2019

1st week Post Surgery Update

1st week Post Surgery:: So, I have to walk. While it tires me out, it helps with clots and overall stamina. Stamina which will be required per my oncologist before I can start the ChemoRadiation portion of my recovery. It takes a bit to walk longer periods but I am getting better. Not faster, but standing upright and lifting feet rather than shuffling, so better. Spent all day Saturday (my 1st day home) sleeping, honestly. Sunday I chose WalMart and hung on to a basket while I shuffled along. Tuesday was Hobby Lobby without a basket (progress!!). Thursday was Michael's with a basket bc I got dropped off and flew solo. I think tomorrow might be Treasure Hunt. The pain comes and goes. Mostly not too bad but occasionally it feels like a Mack truck rolling through my abdomen... and that HURTS. I return to the USA Mitchell Cancer Institute Tuesday for follow-up. And, once again...If you feel called to help in some fashion here are some ways to do so: Things I'd find helpful include...