Life starts now
Actually, the name of the song is "Higher Places" but the album is "Life Starts Now" and I liked that title better for the post. I was thinking, as I was bleeding, about those people that say "Wow, you have all those animals? You are so lucky!". I have already posted a typical 'day in the life' for us @ Spirit Stone Sanctuary. Today I will show you what "lucky' looks like on a not-so-typical morning. Awaken @ 5:30am as usual. Kick Spirit out to walk the dogs so I can placate the cat stealing a rubber band off the bedside table (you know the results of a cat shewing rubber bands?). Chase cat into living room, tripping on another one in the process. Walk for 20 minutess on stairstepper while listening to the 3rd cat yowl in discomfort THE WHOLE TIME. Wait, did I mention that "all those animals" are rescues, and some are special needs babies? Get off stairstepper (still nekkid, I might add) and go get a towel & the special ne...