Saturday........................ ahhhhhhh

Ah, a grand day! Ellen spent last night with us after Movie Night so I got to cook up some breakfast for people before I fed lizards. Then the 2 guys building a sunroof for the pups showed up. Then women started gathering for art day so I got to see some of my FAVE GALS for a while... even one from SA! Then they all cleared out and I "cooked" dinner (I nuked leftovers!) for us while we watched the end of "Independence Day". Now, as the sun sets and the temp starts crawling down under 100`F, we venture back out into the daylight to plant a few bushes, uproot the volunteer willow (has taken root right at the edge of the house so it cannot stay) and then water a bit. Sunday, the 2 guy roofing team is due back (concrete had to set) to complete the job, Festival planning kicks off @ 10:30am, book group is 1-3pm, and then home again just in time to eat, clean up critters and go to bed. A FUN FILLED weekend, all told!