
Well... late one Monday night (Oct 20th) I was laying out my grandpuppy's bed for the evening (I can't expect him to just sleep on the floor now, can I?!?) and when I leaned over, I could not stand back up. WTF??

So after spending a couple of days in severe pain, I began to improve. Until last weekend, when the neighbors staked out their dog directly in front of my door (across the property line, of course). So, re-wrenched what had sorta begun healing and was right back where I started. Sigh.
On a 10 scale, I was right at a 7-8. Spent a LOT of time on the couch on heat. Mainly because I could not get up. Sigh again.

Gave in, went to see a massage therapist on Tuesday. Not just a massage PERSON, but a THERAPIST. Think physical therapy, folks. While not immediately cured, I did note GREAT improvement in many areas... such as driving, getting out of bed, getting dressed BY MYSELF. ... You know, the little things...LOL.

Have not done much of anything in the way of art, planting, yard work, weeding, blogging, crafts, laundry, cleaning, etc. Rebel has been a GRAND help, getting things out of cabinets for me, bathing dragons, carrying in groceries.

But I did start on ice therapy, which has helped a lot, and will be going back this weekend to do some more work w/Laureli. If you are in the area, looking for someone to work out some of those kinks or just relax and pamper yourself, look her up. Website link is in the title above.
Laureli is an expert massage therapist with over 7 years of experience. She specializes in deep tissue, pregnancy, swedish and sports massage. She practices her expertise in Austin, Texas.


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