Winter Solstice, the US Navy & Merry Christmas to all...
Is that why they call it a "Good Deed"? Because you feel really good inside, long after you've done it? So, went to the post office @ 8:30am this morning because (A) that's when they open & (B) I had my last 2 packages to send out. As I walked up to the door there was a young man in uniform (Navy) juggling the door and his packages. I did the right thing byu holding the door open for him, of course. He said Thank you & then, when we were both inside, asked if I knew about what size box he'd need to buy in order to send "these" (by which he indicated ALL the wrapped presents in his arms) to the same location. I helped him pick a box & get everything in & secured and then helped him get it up to Claudia (she's important, remember her in a bit, ok?). Claudia knows me and sees my 2 Priority Smalls... told her he was going first & I was just helping him size & pack. So, long story short, we get Navy guy all together & packed & then rung up. Then the bad news... $49 for delivery by Christmas Eve bc of box weight & size. Navy guy is sad bc he doesn't have that much so his daughter will just have to be okay with them arriving late. I motion quietly to Claudia & tell her guaranteed is fine, hand her my 2 boxes & give her my card. New total for all of it was $67. That's okay by me... and he's just figured out (was still going thru his wallet) what I've done. He cries, hugs me, gives me his name. Claudia gives me my receipt.... and I was only charged $37...she paid the other $30 herself. So, Merry Christmas to Navy Guy, Mr Rob Nelson... and to you, Claudia! Merry Christmas wishes to all on this Blessed Winter Solstice....