SHE responds & Fridge is TOAST

Well, got a letter in mail from landLADY last night... a reply (of sorts) to our "Top 10" list. Wont bore you w/it verbatim, but 3 highlights...
1} We cut down her rosebush
No, really what we did was trim it because she planted a climing rose w/o a trellis at our bedroom window & it was scratching up side of house & make LOTS of noise on breezy nights.
2} We should have mentioned to HIM that the ceiling fan needed to be replaced instead of replacing it ourselves
Well, we did EXACTLY. We pointed out the bearings were growling & the fan was wobbling in its mount and about to fall out of ceiling. His response was "I find the bearing noise and the wobbling sounds soothing at night." And never replaced the fan. HE might find it soothing, but WE could not sleep under a fan that could-at ANY time- fall into bed with us! So we replaced it.
3} We are letting her trees die in the yard
No, what's really happening is that we are in the middle of a severe drought w/100+ days and we only have so much water hose because SHE ran over it w/a riding lawn mower.

And, speaking of mowers, maybe HE told HER he had given us the mower upon our moving in, because neither he nor she said a word about it last night whilst there. He & his friend were in our home attempting to lay down new linoleum when we got home. We decided to leave them at it so we went & got enough crix to tide us over til Weds and a lid to the 20G so we can house the colony of 1000 crix that will be arriving Weds. Upon our return, HER Cadillac was also in the driveway. She was "supervising" but left shortly after our return.

Apex Mechanical came out yesterday as well to add to the crowd... the GE sideXside fridge is TOAST. It needs a new defrost element, or it will continue freezing up ever 3-4 weeks. Including service call, will be $300 to fix. So we will use that one for the drinks instead of the small one, keep small one as food fridge, then see what we find from there. Sodas & such wont go bad if it quits again (after we manually defrost it) but the dragons produce & the pythons frozen mice are another story!!


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