Hump Day

Just another day? Well, is the first day of fifth week for Agathos' hunger strike...mouse was untouched this morning...sigh. And it is day four for the newbie, who came to work even AFTER all the BS that transpired yesterday. And, boss has hired a newer newbie to start Mon 10/2. Still don't know what they are doing to cover this Saturday but I asked for it off 3 months ago and they canned the co-worker that WAS covering it. Newbie not trained yet bc boss' have some other pressing priorities right now. Speaking of priorities...I have just about given up on going back to bed when Spirit leaves for work @ 5:15am... I have been trying to catch that extra 45 mins of sleep, but I just can't get 4 salads made & delivered w/crix AND get dressed & ready for work AND eat breakfast AND meditate. No matter how hard I try to get it all done from 6-7am, I have ended up leaving the house at 7:15am, and that means a very fine line between "on time" & "late" for work. sighhhhhhhhhh

Wanting to upgrade the beardies lighting systems... new fixtures and higher UV rated bulbs will run about $300... or $75 each. But, fixtures will be a one-time purchase, and the bulbs are good for a year... Rebel will be coming by w/gf & pal to help us move the one piece habitat to opposite side of the room. They are just not getting enough ventilation where they are right now since only one end is open. Will also check into adding some ventilation vents...poor babies are HOT! Spirit has a table we will be placing Hecate & Indra on, setting them up back to back so we can access each but they cannot see each other... and moving them to the OTHER side of the room, after we get Patches & Mischief relocated... I will be so GLAD when we get them all situated & get the temperatures under control. Of course, right about that time, the weather will change here drastically and we'll have to adjust for THAT as well.... argh!

We have a dinner out to pay back Rebel & pal for moving the one-piece unit already LAST Sunday... we'll go out for dinner AFTER they move it AGAIN to the other side...LOL...good thing they are young!


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