been too long... been too busy....

So why have I not been on here in a coon's age? life.... school.. work... and family. Went back to Tx (13 hours one way) to visit my folks for my mom's 65th birthday. It was a surprise, therefore could not really write about anything without either a) lying about stuff or b) giving away the secret. I missed my CPR certification class and lost my perfect attendance for the 2nd quarter. Hoping to make up my CPR in November. And, I got to pick up my son on the way to see the parental units so that was an added bonus. .. kinda took the sting out of missing my classes. He is now a real teacher.. passed his PPR for Texas. Whoo Hoo!!!!

And, less than a week from the 1st anniversary of the death of Saphira.... (can read that post here) Allstate has made a final offer. We shall see. No offer yet for PeaceRev as she is still suffering hip issues from being rolled off the back of my bike and still seeing doctor for that particular issue.

On the brighter side of things, winter seems to be arriving at the Gulf Coast!! At 4pm today I was sitting in the living room with windows open and at a comfy 81`F. Now, at 9pm, it is down to 73`F and I have 2 cats careening off the walls as the winds rise and the temps drop. The dog is under PeaceRev's feet. That leaves 2 felines unaccounted for... betting one is on the bed and one is passed out in her tree.

Looking to get a new camera as the old one is just horrible right now... and getting worse. There are dust spots/motes/whatever and so they show up on all my pics.. argh. Have been editing them all in Picasa before I can post, so not taking too many pics lately. You know that kills me. You can't see the spots as bad on "busy" pics but on my pics of the ocean, clouds, birds against either of those two backgrounds... they SUCK. Unless I spend hours editing... and hard to do that when i am still working and schooling full time. Speaking of, may be able to take laptop to the latest class.. keep fingers crossed.

Still an "A" student.. keep fingers crossed!


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