
I wonder if I should wonder about the song I wake up with? Some of the time it is insightful...others just plain odd! So after living in sin & finding someone I am now to jump to my death? Go figure!!

It is Fall around the Northern Hemisphere, which means summer has begun in Texas. Highs in the 90's, clear blue skies, swimming weather. I guess I could go jump off a cliff into a spring fed pool somewhere!

Let me assure all of those of you who do NOT encourage me to write because you don't wanna be busted... I will not reveal anyone's identity when I start on my memoirs! I mention that because I got (another) really nice comment on my blog. Funny... it is not the comment content that matters as much as it is the fact that I GOT the comment because that means I AM BEING READ!! :-) But, as this comment was exceedingly NICE, I wanted to stroke myself a bit & post it here:: "In the event you haven’t heard this or no one has told….you are extremely talented. Your blog is wonderful, it had me reading and reading (neglecting my home). You should be very proud of your talent and capabilities." Now how about that!


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