oh my!!

Well, another weekend over and Monday already passed by, and what fun I've had!!
Rick came over for dinner and movies Saturday... that was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. Transporter 2 was awesome, I thought...and Antonio Banderas is NEVER wrong!

Sunday, I took computer to Dave to clean it up, so it is now back from it's R & R much peppier!

Wednesday is annual Pagan MeetUp Day, so I will be joining some like-minded individuals @ Kismet Cafe for a coffee or two and some social time.

And I am so excited about this weekend I can hardly sit still... monthly Art Day on Saturday, women's spirituality Book Club starts on Sunday... "The Mists of Avalon" is February's selection.
As icing on my cake, a new kitty was asleep on my doorstep today!! A long haired Russian Blue (must be mixed breed bc those are short haired cats!!) was asleep in the heated cubby. :-)
So much life still to be lived and enjoyed ~Here's to being single and self-sufficient~


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