Eyeballing the end of May

 Bad news first: on Mother’s Day, we discovered we had termites. UGH. Both of us are working OT right now so I guess that was a good thing, as the pest people quoted about $1000. The good news is that we saw our grandson for his 3rd birthday when we went to the Texas Goddess Springfest mid-May in Dripping Springs. A few days before we left she finally got a little time to get the oven pulled out of our old camper. The day before we left she cut and installed the new countertop. She has SKILLS!! Although leaving it until the last minute was a tad stressful.

                At SpringFest, I came across a gal using an Instant Pot. I had been looking at them but was not sure they were worth the money. She gave me a run-through, showed me what it could do, and I loved it. She also provided me some tips on getting a used one, which I did upon our return… a 3qt for $15. Finally got to use it this week and I gotta say… I should have gotten one sooner.

                REDD Pest came out Monday the 23rd to get rid of the termites that were eating our home. The workroom is the hardest hit. That room is what pays for most of our bills, travels, meals out, etc. Termite treatment was NOT cheap, but worth it, to save our home. There will be some repairs that need to happen, sadly. A couple of the rooms need new window moldings, some sheetrock, and such. But her workspace will require quite a bit more. ARGH.   

                Tonight some friends of ours are taking us to the Rack House for dinner for my (upcoming) birthday and "congrats to the graduate" and also as a “thank you” to her for all the work she put in (solo) for Holy Week/Easter. A few weeks prior, several couples from the church were on vacation together, and then they all got COVID, go figure. Saturday we will be there again as another friend is celebrating his birthday and that was the place he chose. NO PROBLEM… I would go there several times a month if it were not so expensive.

                No real travel plans for the next couple of months. The kids are coming here at the end of June, so looking forward to that. The end of July is the Franklin, NC gem and mineral show, if we can afford the gas and still have money after our many termite/home repairs. 

                The laptop is working again… Harley, the aged Siamese, left a hairball on it for me one weekend… All is well, and he is forgiven… I know he likes to be in my room because I usually am, and I have a better view. My windows are lower and do not have a magnolia tree casting shade. Now, when I am not in my room, I leave a cover over the keyboard.

                Hired the guy next door to do some heavy yard work. He is young, and we are okay paying someone. I also need to pony up funds for the AAPC as my CBCS certification is lonely and I need to get a CPC, at the very minimum. Apparently, you need a string of them and hands-on experience before anyone will hire you these days. Still walking the beach 5 miles on my off days. Have not been on my motorcycle for a while, sadly. 

So, let me check-in::

Intentional Pagan Practice: Celebrated Beltane, the new & full moons with my Circle.

Lose 1# each month: nope, not this month. Well, I did.. then vacation. UGH.

Blog Monthly/Journal: I journaled several times in May. 

Blessings of the fruitful summer months, and safety for you and yours as we enter what promises to be an active hurricane season. 


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