Taking back my time....


Yesterday was a fantastic day!! I turned in most of my school work Wednesday, and the rest I will tend to come Monday because I never went to class 4/1. Was a bestie's birthday, so made a card, made a gift, wrapped another gift, and spent time with her. The important things. 

Speaking of skipping, I skipped school Monday to go see Queen Nefertari's artifiacts at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) and it was worth every mile to get there. There was so much to see, and so awe-inspiring, that I never even realized there were 2 more floors of the regular museum to see. I spent the whole time touring Egyptian tombs and relics and stories that I never even made it upstairs. We did make it to Byblos to eat. Fantastic food, if you want to go try it out. 

Last Sunday we rode the motorcycles over to Ocean Springs for their art festival. Gorgeous day for a ride. Another storm came by... straightline winds again with 60mph gusts. Lots of damage on Beatline @ 28th, just northwest of us. At least this time we did not get hit by lightning. Got the estimate to fix the damage from last storm...$1000.00. Ugh. Speaking of spending money, the new mower is terrific. She knocks out the front AND back yhards in less than an hour. On the other side of money, I had to replace my Canon digital camera...OUCH. 

Got some pictures uploaded for printing so I can catch up CCJ's photo album before the family arrives in June. We are going to Fest in May so we will also see them then, but only for lunch in Wimberley. And I need to finish out the 2021 scrapbook. Now that college is not eating up every non-work day, that is moving to the top of my list. And cleaning up my rather overgrown rock garden. the wisteria is in bloom over it right now and smells fabulous! 

Nothing of any real excitement being done in April. I have Coven tomorrow for our "Spring Tea".  couple of doc appointments, a mammogram... self care.  You may not even begin to fathom to what degree I am thrilled at the idea of having my off days back. To sit there, in an online class, listening to the birds outside my window and watching people walk the neighborhood or head down to the beach... but with my days back I will have to get caught up on things. But April? I claim it as "Do Nothing" month. Rest, relax, repeat.

So, quick check-in: 

Intention Pagan Practice: Celebrated the new & full moons with my Circle, which has grown considerably.  Started with just the 3 of us, then 5. And tonight's may have as many as 10?!? It seems one of the women has been enjoying it so much she has been sharing her experience, commenting "It's like Vacation Bible school, except for witches. And with projects!" Which led to several others requesting invitations. I am going to have to close the group soon because too many people makes it difficult (and those projects can get to be expensive).  Still sending energy to a friend in rehab, using a crystal grid. Hoping he is sorting through his issues. I will count this as a win. 

Lose 1# each month: Well, 0.9, but I am taking it, damn it.

Blog Monthly/Journal: I journaled several times in March. And yesterday, but I was tired and it was late, so the blog post arrives today.  And with graduating college, I am feeling more relaxed. I even created some art yesterday! A few cards, some ATCs,  a paper on the Queen Nefertari experience.  


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