16%, or 1/6th of 2022 already done?

So, I get home from work (on my day off) then hit my classes to see if I missed anything of huge importance (nope). I grab a bite for dinner and sit down... chicken Sesame over riced cauliflower. Tasty and healthy...win win! The mailman shows up (rather late, I thought?) and I find 4 pieces of happy mail. That is always wonderful. As I write the dates on the front of them I see today is the last day of February. I know it is the shortest month, but really... where did it go?!? It went by so damn fast it seems? 

First, lemme do a quick check-in:

Intention Pagan Practice: You bet! Used my pendulum a few times, pulled some oracle cards, did a spelled reading on 2.21.22, smudged my unit whilst incanting thrice times widdershins. Celebrated the new & full moons with my Circle. Observed Imbolc with my Coven. I also relocated my apothecary in order to make it easier to get to and use. I freshened up the herbs and oils in it. Even made an oil blend for later use. Sorted stones and put out a new crystal grid. 

Lose 1# each month: Yes, that happened :-) 

Blog Monthly/Journal: I only blogged today but I did write in my journal 7 times. That is good... I am feeling more connected and grounded. 

So, what have I been up to for the last 4 weeks? I started a new (and my LAST!) college semester. I saw the latest Spiderman movie (No Way Home). I managed to get through the 1st (of 4) Mercury retrograde. I worked 12 days. I saw my primary care doc, who I not only do not recommend, I quit. I do not care that she and her husband are Catholic, avid Trump supporters, or that you both think America is going to hell in a handbasket. I do not care that you only eat one hour out of every day. I should not even know these things. What I do care about is that she does not treat my time with any importance, routinely takes 2+ hours to get to me, and is not actively engaged in my care when she does. 

I did mostly stay on theme for the planner challenges in my 2 FB groups. One I run, the other I admin, so I need to be active in them. I posted every week and I put up a challenge post once in a while. I made a set of ATCs, just because. And one for the ATC group lottery I am in. 

I will be having a new moon and a full moon circle this month. Coven will also be meeting for the Spring Equinox. I start with a new PCP on March 2nd. A stalwart member of St. Patrick's died last week and his funeral is March 3rd. I sit my certification exam (CBCS) on March 12th. I am scheduled to work 10 days in the month of March. The motorcycle is on a trickle charger so it should be ready for a ride soon. I know I am. 36 more days until my college program ends!!

So this will be a busy week, and next week is prepping for my certification exam. After that, I am thinking the sigh of relief will be loud enough for it to be heard across the state, and maybe even farther. 

Y'all hang in there, and appreciate those you love today and every day. 




Becky Sue said…
I love you girl.you're the best, Becky.

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