It has just dawned on me...

 I never posted this year's goals. I wrote them in my journal, went through the practice of selecting, etc. Never blogged about them. Got on here today to do my check-in only to find I never came back after the lightning strike fiasco. So I did, in fact, narrow down my choices to just 3 this year. As I was going through my selection process it dawned on Me that 3 of my five were indeed very closely related. So I lumped them into what I am calling IPP or Intention Pagan Practice. Then I also have my health goal "Lose 1# each month" and my Blog Monthly/Journal" goal that keeps me on track. 

The end is near.. of January, at least. How have I done? Well, the Deep Time is coming to a close and I have been pretty much on target with that. This is my 2nd (and last) blog post for January, so that is good. I have no idea about my weight as I will weigh in tomorrow and compare. Keep your fingers cro

My current term ends the 2nd of February and my LAST TERM (!!!) starts February 9th. That is also the day I go back to see my physician about my latest lab results. Cancer is still nowhere to be seen, so that is always good news. Imbolc and the New Moon coincide on 2.1.22 so there will be a ritual. I attended Circle last night in Saucier, that is always fun. Thursday is a private cinema to see the new Spiderman movie. Friday is Planner Play @ El Saltillo. Oh, and work, LOL... at least TTS. I am so excited to see the finish line of my associate's degree, but also feeling a bit tense about what comes next. Arrghh. 

I have not yet finished my annual scrapbook for 2021 because.. you know, school. But I did use our "Big Trip" in September 2021 to transition to memory keeping in my big planner rather than creating a huge scrapbook every year. That was actually easier... capturing the moments and the memories as they were happening, using the Sprocket photo printer. I am doing a neverending one for CCJ so there was  no need to terminiate it once the year ended. 

I have put away all my stones that were in the bin to be sorted, cleansed and housed. I have created a ritual for the Imbolc New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st/ Groceries have been gathered and put away. I put all the planners from 2017 through 2021 in one bax and put away. I have gathered goodies for Friday's planner meeting. I even paid bills and got the trash and recycle to the curb. Now to write pen pals and sit for a bit with my bestie. A good start to the year, I gotta say. 

Blessings to all!


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