The end is near...

 The end of 2021, that is. October went by so fast that I am not sure what happened? And now, November has disappeared as well. But, thanks to my paper planner, I can look back to see where the time sped off to! 

October 10th my mother would have been 75 years old. I spent the day with some witchy friends at a high much fun! Mom would have loved it. New classes started on Oct 13th. Maybe having my nose in a textbook is why time seems to be going by so fast? On the 23rd of October, I threw a pizza party for the 2 work trainees. They hit the floor solo at the beginning of this month. Expensive (for me) but worth it. As I started training one new tech yesterday, we now just need to find one more.  The shift for Thanksgiving always sucks. As Christmas and New Year’s fall on Saturdays this year, I will be working on the Sunday after each. Kinda sucks, but not as much as it would if we shifted the entire week forward by 1 day… that is just a mess! I will take working the Sundays. 

Went camping a couple of weeks ago, just to mentally prepare for the start (onslaught?) of the “holiday season”. Paul B. Johnson is a state park just a bit to the north of us, and quite nice. We go at least once a year since it is one of our faves and so close.  

Cleaned out my closet and drawers and donated a lot of items… made me feel so much lighter somehow? I treated myself to a movie for completing that task. I watched Dune, thanks to AT&T’s free HBO. No expectations as it was eons ago when I read the books. I thought it was an enjoyable movie. Also, later in the month, we went to the theater (private watch party) and saw The Eternals. 

Thanksgiving was spent catching up on class since I worked Monday & Wednesday. Also caught up on household chores, including laundry. Made (and mailed) a few holiday cards. The hot tub (our gift to ourselves this season!!) arrived the day before Turkey Day. It was finally hot enough by 4:30pm!!! We spent an hour and a half in it… pure bliss! We ate steak and acorn squash and her OH MY TASTY cranberry chutney. So non-traditional but we love it.

Christmas will be low-key… She will attend church. I may, if not working. I know I will not on 12/26 and the 2nd of January; I am hoping to see my son & his family sometime after the holidays. Not sure if Laureli will be going to Dallas or not. It is a long drive alone in a day. And, we just saw her folks on our way back from Utah in September. 

The time between Samhain and Imbolc is the “deep” time is, a turning inward. It involves diving into what shapes my thoughts, emotions, and behaviors… the “why” behind what I do. Knowing more about my drive, or reasons, and then sitting with my desires, hopes and dreams helps me to decide what I want to let go of, keep and create. I am currently working on setting my 5 goals for 2022. 

         Today I started sorting the files that need to get put away for 2021 and have started putting together all the papers needed for tax season. I also did a little clean up (meaning tossed some stuff) in my art room/office today. Woke up feeling a bit out of sorts, and cleaning always seems to set me right again. Now if I could just get rid of this damn headache...

Blessings of sanity as the year speeds to its end, 



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