The last Retrograde of 2021 is here...

 Here it is — the final Mercury retrograde of 2021. So far this year, we've made it through a mentally exhausting retrograde in Aquarius and a chaotic, gossip-loving retrograde in Gemini. But this time, we might be catching a bit of a break. From September 27 to October 18, the speedy planet will be doing its backward dance in Libra, a sign known for being peaceful and harmonious — and relationship-oriented.

And, so where am I in all of this, you ask? Since Mercury rules my Sun sign and my Ascending (moon is in Aquarius, thankfully!) I like to use these retrograde periods to ruminate and do some shadow work. And, as the Deep looms a mere 32 days in the future, I am beginning to ponder on what I will take with me into the Underground Season.

Anyways, Libra is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Love and Affection, and as a result, our social lives will be the star of this retrograde. This transit will deepen the need to recalibrate our most important relationships, a theme that was started by the sun's entrance into Libra. Retrogrades tend to be opportunities to reflect on certain areas of our life. And, since Libra is the sign of one-on-one partnerships, Mercury retrograde will have us revise, review, and rethink how we are relating to one another as a way to find more balance and fairness within our most important bonds. During this transit, we'll be asked to consider how we relate to all of the people in our lives, including romantic partners, friends, family, and even our coworkers, and how we can make our communication more harmonious.

I know I have not posted since Hurricane Ida, but I have a very good reason... VACATION! This year, as it is an odd one, we went west. Grand Circle was the main draw, but not the only one. We started in South Central Texas to see family and scatter my mother's ashes. Then up to Las Cruces, NM & White Sands, Rio Grande Gorge, Taos, the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, 4 Corners, Mesa Verde, Moab, Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Glendale, Orderville, Bryce, Zion, Lake Powell, Horseshoe Bend, Bonito, Sunset Crater, Sedona, Jerome... then begin the 1600 mile drive home. WOW. 5700 miles round trip. Lots of sights, many pictures, excellent company, tasty food, and pretty rocks! What more can you ask for in a vacation? At the end of every day I would print a few pictures using my Sprocket (love love love it!) and place in memory keeping planner. Now, back to the daily grind. Speaking of grind, today is National Coffee Day. I went for a cup with a dear friend and ended up spending 2 hours, just chatting and chilling. The way a day should be.

Today I have to catch up wth about a dozen pen pals, make a cloud ATC, pay bills, and listen to the rain. And, I think another cup of coffee is in order, don't you?

OH! GOALS...lemme go ahead and check in as I have a funeral to attend on the 1st.

1) Blog the 1st of each month: this will count

2) Maintain an intentional spiritual practice: How could I not, wandering the Western states? 3) Lose one pound each month: actually, I weigh less after vacation than I did for Aug or Sept. :-)

Blessings of rain and renewal to all,



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