59% of 2021 is gone

Wow, over half of 2021 is already gone?!? Tomorrow is my last day in Term 6. Term 7 kicks off on August 11, and this one actually has real (rather than electronic) books!! My hope is that this proves to be easier when we go on our annual trip. Speaking of trips, the kids could not make it last weekend (illness) but Sheila is scheduled for this weekend. Gulf Shores, here we come! 

For my Dean's list & 4.0GPA in the last 2 terms, I bought myself an HP Sprocket. I chose the 2x3" size so it is compatible with my planners. My goal is to do most of my memory keeping for our Grand Circle Trip on the go. Normally I take pictures for the whole trip, return home and upload those 1000 or so photos, then wait for Snapfish's "penny print sale" to order them. Then there is another 2-week wait to get the photos back so I can scrapbook them. Oh, and try to remember where each one was taken, and when.  The Sprocket is micro USB rechargeable and uses Bluetooth. What it does not use is ink!! The Zink/HP photo paper works because the paper has crystals showing up as specific colors when heated. 

So, it dawns on me that I quit posting about the other 2 goals for 2021. I am not sure why? To be clear, I set 5 goals every year. For 2021 they are: 

1) Blog on the 1st of each month: Yesterday was Lammas (which I observed) but I was also chainsawing tree limbs into manageable size logs so we could remove them after someone dropped a tree into our yard Sunday morning, so I am going to say  "ON TARGET"

2) Maintain an intentional spiritual practice: July was a  Cancer New Moon and an Aquarius Full Moon, both of which I observed. Also 3 journal entries. and wrote every day in my gratitude journal. Brought my 2021 Desires grid in this morning as I placed the August stone and left the grid outside for Lammas. I am going to mark this one as "ON TARGET"

3) Lose one pound each month: well, this bit the dust... gained 2.7#. Did not help to have her birthday at the end of the month since we went out to eat and had cheesecake and really tasty alcoholic beverages. "NO TARGET"

4) Continue striving for a credit score of 800: On track as I ended July with an 803.

5) Continue with my scrapbook: I did get CCJ's scrapbook (and mine) caught up as far as I have pictures for (most of July) and got some cards made. It was nice to create something using paper rather than using words to create a paper. I am so over the school at this point. But the finish line is getting closer every term. Only 5 more classes to complete!

OK, so July was not as good as it could have been, weight-wise. But the rest of my goals are on track! So I am going to place July in the "WIN" column. 





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