Check-In Time

Well, it that time of the month... my check-in for June is not as bad as I thought it would be, actually. 

1) Blog the 1st of each month: because I work all day tomorrow I am a day early but still "ON TARGET"

2) Maintain an intentional spiritual practice: This month was mostly journaling as I have 2 "paper-heavy" classes this term. The New Moon found me still doing homework at 6pm so I explained to those who were coming for Circle that I was just exhausted and stressed. The Full Moon was usurped by a women's dinner that changed its date on me. But it was a fulfilling evening! I journaled for both events, for a total of 4 entries (1 per week). I am okay with that as part of the Solstice was about letting the fire burn away that which was not necessary at this point in my life. I am so close (7 more months) to the finish line for school and classes are ramping up now. Some of the rest of the daily stuff is just going to have to take a back seat for the rest of this year. Just set my 2021 Desires grid stone for July and placed it outside to charge the addition. All in all, I am okay with marking this one as "ON TARGET"

 3) Lose one pound each month: I was so close...0.9# lost. With not having a fridge for a stretch of time in June (which meant eating out) I am sort of amazed. There were only 2 days I missed my vitamins so that is a plus. Not quite ON TARGET but really damn close. 

So, June... what a month! Kicked off with finals in Term 5, a trip to my oncologist, starting a new Term, a weekend jaunt to Paul B. Johnson State Park, a pop-up dinner, and work. TS Claudette came through as a reminder that hurricane season was open. She made her appearance the weekend we were camping, no less. After looking at the projected path, we decided the camper was safer farther north so we went anyways. We had torrential rain Friday night (and I drove from PBJ to Slidell for work in it at 3am, ugh!) but the weather was terrific by the time I returned Saturday late afternoon. We enjoyed good weather the rest of Saturday until Monday morning as we packed up for home.

Popped my wrist out (again) as we were packing up so went to see the doc upon our return. Pain pills, hard brace, and a reminder to not do repetitive motions. Really?!? X-rays didn't show anything broken but the radiologist is to call if he sees anything amiss. UGH. No help there because I cannot wear a hard brace for work, and everything I do there is repetitive. 

July will be busy as a teammate is moving on (she just graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Management) to a new field. Kids are coming at the end of the month, as is Her birthday. And she is deep into planning the Grand Circle Trip for this fall :-) 

That is it for now...Blessed Be!



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