Spring has Sprung

Oh, how gorgeous are our spring days? Very!  Filled with with singing birds, nasty gnats, fresh blooms, sweeping clouds. Even the occasional cold front coming through (like tonight) can't knock the bloom off of the beauty that is Coastal MS this time of year. 

Let me check-in and get that out of the way:

) Blog the 1st of each month: .a day early since tomorrow is a long-ass work day but here I am! "ON TARGET"

2) Maintain an intentional spiritual practice: March started with a Pisces New Moon, a week later was the Spring Equinox (Ostara), and then a week after that was a Libra Full Moon. Three weekends of ritual in a row...WOW!  I set out my year-long "Desires" grid under the Libra full moon energies. And I made 7 journal entries. "ON TARGET"
3) Lose one pound each month: I actually gained 0.9#. Ugh. Looking back on March, I see a week of eating out (nachos) was probably not my best idea. 

This is finals week for this semester/term. My fourth..knocking them down, slowly but surely. I get a week off so will be going to see CCJ next weekend. He will be turning 2 in just a few weeks, so excited! I need to catch up his on-going scrapbook so I can show his folks. I went for my morning walk with the neighbor and got my 2.5 miles in, even before getting coffee. What a way to wake up, right? NO! Came home, showered, got said coffee, fixed my nail and then headed to my office. I balanced the accounts, paid bills, balanced out March, and set up April, all in my budget book. Then I headed off to a luncheon for a special friend! The friend I posted about the first of March, the one that returned? She is celebrating her birthday tomorrow but I'll be at work. So, we celebrated today with chocolate martinis at Harbor View. That was our weekly meeting spot (and drink of choice) some 5-6 years ago. To be able to do so again, in celebration of her, makes my heart happy. 

Now, I return you to your regularly scheduled program, and me to my college class. 
Blessed Be, 


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