July has arrived....hot & wet

The census called and scheduled me for a class... then canceled all classes (C19 is on the rise again) until after August 1st. Step by step. The same setback occurred when scheduling my fingerprinting but that did eventually happen. There is hope. Midi is home and is a changed dog (most of the time). He and our newest family member have been in the same room ONCE. Harley was not impressed and expressed just that and Midi did the prudent thing and left the room immediately. Midi likes cats and our 3 have always had dogs. Harley has NEVER had a dog and is not sure what to make of Midi. Sigh.
I worked a total of 12 days at the full-time job in June. Only scheduled for 12 this month as I am taking 1 Saturday off for BACA's 100 Mile Ride. I am liking this schedule so much better. Even with the current part-time gig a few hours a week I have lots of "me time" left to have coffee with friends, date nights, reading time. Relaxing is an art form I am trying to spend more time practicing. Left hand is heaing nicely.
However, pending on my desk right now are: 2 large numbered ATC swaps (meaning I need to make 25+ ATCs for each one), 7 JAM swaps and 1 penpal return letter...I better get started.
Oh, before I forget... Monthly goals for July are: #1) Follow my budget in order to pay off ALL debt by this year's end. #2) Participate in my art group's "Birthday Club" where we send a handmade card & ATC to those celebrating birthdays. #3) 2020's weekly scrapbook layout challenge over at the Scraptacular Cropping Club. #4) the Monthly lottery challenge in my ATC Art Group on IO Groups (theme is CATS!)
I will check in the end of July and let ya know how things fared. What I can tell you about now is that June's debt was LESS than May's debt so I am heading in the right direction for goal #1. And for the eagle-eyed observer, you noticed there were only 4 goals now, not 5. As much as I am not a fan of even numbered things, I removed "Create one piece of art each month... an 8x8 canvas, a journal or booklet, a mixed media piece, just something artistic." I have not done that but ONCE this year and I will no longer feel guilty about NOT creating art when I have so many other artistic things I enjoy, even if they do not result in a physical piece. Blessings of peace to you all chaotic


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