Day 59 in LA while MS says "Ease Up"

After a nearly month-long shutdown, Coastal Mississippi's economy is opening back up. On May 11th, so did Louisiana. Los Angeles, on the other hand (who is on Day 59 today), was given another 3 months on lockdown. Bear in mind Mississippi is still seeing its new case numbers rise each day. And I still see idiots at the petri dish formerly known as Walmart without masks, not distancing, etc. UGH.

While social distancing requirements are still in effect, restaurants can start serving dine-in customers again and many retailers are allowed to reopen. Salons, barbershops and gyms can resume operations as well. Businesses must screen all employees for signs of sickness. Employees who cannot socially distance at work must wear face coverings. Customers of all retail shops must wear face coverings. Masks must be worn at all outdoor public events, such as flea markets and live auctions.

I can travel to Texas now. I will go in June but it will be a brief and distanced visit for one day only. 80-year-old dad, 1-year-old grandson... do I really want to put those I love at risk? No.

On the homefront news, I stuck my fingers in Midi's mouth last Friday and have the damaged fingers to prove it. Kitta now has a cast and Midi has a 30-day doggy obedience camp appt for next week. Prayers would be appreciated. We love that damn dog and have no idea why he went after Kitta... they have been cohabitating since he arrived here 3 years ago.

Off to my Census Bureau appointment... have a blessed day!



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