and so it continues...

... nothing sensible is really happening as far as COVID-19 goes. Mississippi is not opening barbers (who see limited # of clients and wear masks) but they are opening dine-in restaurants (where people are eating without masks AND in larger #s). And following that line of "logic" they are also keeping other types of sensible, precautionary businesses closed but allowing casinos to open. You can open the mall back up but not the mom & pop places that so desperately NEED to be open, both for their financial security and their neighborhood communities? I AM SO CONFUSED. This is not about OUR health, or even C19. This is about who pays more money into the system. And the larger corporations generate more sales tax revenue. In order to SEEM like they are trying to "Protect" the population and are concerned about the welfare of the tax-paying citizens, they have to put up a front and so the little guys get crushed. Why do I feel like I am being lied to and screwed over? Speaking of getting screwed... I am deemed essential (clinical healthcare worker) so I am working. That means I am paying taxes out the &@)*)# in order to pay for someone else to stay home and make more money than me. How is that fair? I think we should just open the state back up and let us do what we need to do to stay afloat. This being told what is for MY own good while you continue on as if nothing changed is BS. If closing the state is for our health, why were the governmental employees not told to stay home and do without paychecks? What I worry about now isnt COVID-19; it is the loss of my rights. Just like that the government controls sporting events, concerts, jobs, schools, medical facilities, whether you can leave your house or not, travel, etc. The main reason why they develop these viruses is to scare the public, but more important to control you and your life. Mass hysteria, panic,... and now they have the world by the balls, just over a stupid virus of which survival rates are extremely high! In the blink of an eye freedom has been limited. See how easy that was? Sigh


Nolita said…
Oh how i agree!!!!! What i really find so crazy about it all though is the different thoughts of people. People who you may have viewed them as intelligent, strong minded, and have COMMON SENSE. That phrase has been tested, twisted, and has become a phrase of confusion when i hear it being used. Watching and listening to people is like watching the greatest puppet show ever. Unfortunately, there are way too many puppeteers, and far too many puppets. I have never wished so much in my life to be alone until now. Alone, meaning away from the chaos of stupidity. Stupidity only comes when people are involved. Right now I can only seek my own peace. That which what makes sense to me. Find your PEACE and fuck the rest!

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