Safer at home? Well, that depends....

Last night was a bit of a long one. A fire that started Wednesday and was extinguished Thursday reignited and got a bit out of control, coming within 2 miles of our house. We were sitting in the back yard yesterday afternoon with ashes falling on us. Kinda worrisome, I admit. The smoke was so bad that we shut all the windows... worried it would impact the fur-babies smaller lungs. We decided to start our sprinklers watering "just in case" so we set 2 in the back yard (towards fire site) and 1 in the front. They ran until almost 10pm then we shut them off, changed the batteries in our smoke detectors, and called it a night. Today dawns much better...the air has lost that acrid eye-watering component and I can sip my coffee on the back patio in comfort.

Because of Covid-19, I missed my grandson's 1st Birthday. I will also miss my Dad's 80th birthday this weekend. They are both in Texas. We did get to Zoom CCJ so that was a nice touch. Don't know if I will be able to get my dad to do any kind of face-time even next Sunday but I am gonna give it a try.

What have I been up to while quarantined? Working. Root Canal (ouch!). I have almost completed CCJ's 1st year scrapbook. Oh, speaking of things I am doing, lemme check in on this month's goals as the month is almost over:

#1) Debt-Free Plan: Wednesday's $1501 root canal is gonna extend the target date out to May 2021 instead of December 2020. on a brighter note Big Blue (budget planner I created) is making bill pay/budget day rather enjoyable, which beats the crap outta stressed.
#2) Create one piece of art each month... an 8x8 canvas, a journal or booklet, a mixed media piece, just something artistic. Well, again, this did NOT happen. We had coworker contract C19 who was out for 2 weeks so I helped cover. EXHAUSTING!
#3) Still participating and current in my art group's "Birthday Club" where we send a handmade card & ATC to those celebrating birthdays.
#4) 2020's weekly scrapbook layout challenge over at the Scraptacular Cropping Club is current and up to date. Yea Me!
#5) I'm caught up and current for the Monthly lottery challenge in my ATC Art Group on IO Groups.

Today a " “Safer-at-Home” order replaces the shelter-in-place order we have been under. Are we getting a little stir-crazy? I think we are handling it pretty well but after a while you just miss your people. We cannot go eat and/or be social with peeps. Video chats (which is how we are doing St. Patrick's services right now) can only do so much for human interaction. same for texting. My planner meetings and lunch/coffee dates are still not possible. L is getting house projects done and I am still employed (essential healthcare and all that jazz) so we continue on with the daily life of beach living. Oh! Speaking of, our beaches did reopen. That was nice. We had been doing dog walks on the boardwalk rather than letting him romp in the water. Back to the water we go. :-) I still go to work. I still come home and do my normal day off things. The stressor is all the PPE at work. Used to be you wore while actively engaging in cannulation, ending treatments, etc. Now we NEVER take off the PPE.... gown, mask, goggles, face-shield. I have actually had a few claustrophobic moments in all of the gear and had to sneak off to the bathroom so I could remove it and BREATHE. This looks like it will be the new norm, sadly.

Per the new orders, from now until May 1st, this is what we are looking at:

▪ The elderly and people with compromised immune systems are ordered to shelter in place.
▪ New order stills bans all nonessential gatherings of 10 or more people.
▪ Businesses that can practice social distancing can reopen if they reduce capacity by 50%, encourage employees to wear masks & monitor employees for COVID-19 symptoms.
▪ Businesses that cannot avoid social contact like salons, gyms, spas and tattoo parlors remain closed. (there goes my mani-pedi)
▪ Restaurants are still drive-through, carry out and delivery only. (well, damn... coffee at my place, anyone?)

Well, it dawned clear and crisp and a tad on the chilly side today. I need a hot cuppa and some kitty time. See you again soon....
Big (virtual) Hugs


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