2020 is moving right along...

Even though I have spent the last several days with a cold, 2020 is still off to a good start. My new planner is up and rolling. I got a Big Happy Planner (rather than Classic) in the last quarter of 2019 and set it up but then had to wait until the year started before I could really DO anything in it. Mine is a converted teacher planner so I have 5 squares to work with (vertically, still) rather than the 3 rectangular boxes. I put in some inserts in it (budget planning, penpal tracking, birthday lists and such) that I had created but still could not really USE it yet. So, now that I am, my style is gelling a bit and I am achieving planner peace. Yes, that is a real thing, LOL. I have even done 1 week already this year in a theme. Used to do that all the time back when I had more time. This year I have more time because (drum roll, please) WE ARE FULLY STAFFED!!! OMG I forgot how nice it was having 2 days off IN A ROW! I am back to a TTS schedule so I am off Sun, Mon, Weds & Fri. I have other stuff planned for those days off but this week (and last) all I am doing is posting to my groups, napping, watching a movie here and there, and drinking theraflu stuff and taking vitabiotic to get over this crud. Here is a tip for you all... USE THE GOOD KLEENEX. The aloe & vick's soaked ones. No cheapy stuff or your nose will HATE you later.
Best wishes to all (achoo!) (sorry)


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