ARGH...4 weeks later

I suck at weekly posting. Maybe because I just don't see a lot of the things that happen in my weeks as exciting and needing to be shared? So, instead... what HAVE I done in the last 4 weeks? We had a majorly early freeze so L made a greenhouse for all the plants for the winter. I started on (and completed and mailed) my Holiday Cards. I cut the list (and the postage) by half this year. And please, do not be offended when I call them Holiday cards instead of Christmas cards. Think of it this way: “Holiday” includes Christmas whereas "Christmas” leaves out everything other than Christmas. I have many friends and not all of them celebrate Christmas. L got us tickets to the "Hee Haw Show" in Gulfport on the 16th of November. That was a hoot! Attended a funeral for a friend who's mother had passed. Rode with some friends on a few really nice weather days. Met a new friend. I canceled my gym membership. I paid off all my medical bills using a zero percent credit card. Assisted with (and enjoyed greatly) an ecumenical service followed by a dinner that was hosted by St Patrick's Episcopal Church. Made it to the Gem & Mineral Show in Jackson County AND the one in Mobile, Alabama. Attended the Gulfport Women's Club "High Tea" (wow, that was loads of fun!), went on the Leatherneck's annual Toy Run, Sang for the Long Beach Sea Santa event, went to Temple service @ ISKCON New Talavan, and I scrapbooked the 15 day "Westward Ho" trip. Wheewww! That was a lot in 4 weeks. Oh, and worked around 190 hours. Ugh. But it paid for the rocks, the paper, the holiday shopping, the postage... and so on. Now off to the part-time gig I go. I have a Planner Party later today and a luncheon. :-)

December Check-In::
#1) Participating in my art group's "Birthday Club" and send a handmade item to each: MET
#2) 2019's weekly scrapbook layout challenge over at the Scraptacular Cropping Club: missed a few due to life and work.
#3) Monthly lottery challenge in my ATC Art Group on IO Groups: Did not participate in the November lottery due to work.
#4) Follow my budget and pay off my ALL debt by this year's end: See comment above


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