Wet but happy

It is raining on the Coast... has been for DAYS..... and since my car is in the hospital getting an expensive repair I ham on 2 wheels. The brighter side is that L took me to cancer follow-up yesterday and we had a lovely day filled with good news, lunch and puttering in Mobile. I have planned an event for Samhain, rain or shine. That means I will be having a bonfire Circle regardless of who does or does not show up due to weather. Sigh. I am in the process of fine-tuning the details but it will be very low key, even for me. :-)
One of the items on my "Do this THIS year!" list is almost complete and I am stoked! There are several things on that list: Turn all my CDs into digital files. Destash art supplies I am no longer using. Clean out clothes in my closet I no longer need or want or wear. Completion of some of my older "I want to do this" art projects. And indexing all of my stones and giving them a new home so that they are easily accessible and readily available for use. They have been in a box on the bottom of a hard to reach shelf since I moved into my art room. Not so any longer!!! They are now organized, indexed, and easily spotted in their new home. It was quite the undertaking and I am so thrilled with the end result.
Now off to a meeting, the PT gig and then some relaxing at home.


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