WOW! Today was busy!

Got up, had my morning coffee with the Bestie, then off and running for the day! Got a couple of planner posts made for my online/F2F group, got last year's planner to Office Depot to see if they can bind it yet. Last time they did not have the parts required. Really?? Also made my monthly run to the post office to drop off the monthly art swaps and such. Then ran around with a couple of friends and drooled on some paper and school supplies (what are friends for!?) before coming back to my place to hang for a bit and play with some rocks & oracle decks and stuff. Then dinner with the Bestie, an unsuccessful (as of yet) attempt at installing a ceiling (Camper renovation continues ahead of our trip) then an adult beverage while the dog took us out for some exercise. Whew!! Now for a shower and bed because tomorrow is one of my longer days. Blessing of cooler weather to you all and safe times as Dorian approached othe Florida panhandle. Until next Wednesday...


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