Back to the Grind

And unfortunately I do not mean coffee. Back to work after being on vacation 6 days. It was awesome! The Vintage Prowler performed well. Still a few things to fix and repair cosmetically but this is where Laureli shines.
Got the laundry done, all put away from the trip. Even went thru my closet. Ended up cleaning out lots of stuff... all the things I didn't worn last summer. Felt good, actually. And I gave it away in my Facebook buy nothing group!!
Had my endoscopy yesterday (as well as the colonoscopy since I was there). Other than being anemic still no issues were found. Cut back on a acidic coffee, don't eat solid food 3 hours before bedtime. Gonna try that and see if can get off the Rx he gave me last month.
I will be making the trip westward to see my grandson next week!! I'm so excited.


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