And so Summer has arrived

98 degrees on our patio, 108 degrees outside. Yes, welcome to Summer. Personally, I think summer arrived quite a few weeks ago but who am I to argue with the calendar. Yesterday I jumped right back into work after my 6 days off. I spent those in Texas, meeting my very first ever grandbaby, Conor Cash. He is a chunk! For Father's Day she got matching T-shirts for her 2 guys... Jayce's was "Maverick" & Conor's was "Goose". It just does not get any cuter than that. 9 hour drive there, 3 days spent enjoying family, 9 hour drive back home. I went with Nikki to my first ever IKEA. Wow... how have I never been to one of those before? Oh, wait, because they put it in only about 3 months ago. I looked, but the closest one to the Coast of MS is Memphis or Houston. Sigh.

Catching up on some art projects, my scrapbook, and staying in the cooler spaces.

Now, about Conor...his Mommy posted yesterday for his 2 months a really cute pic with the words:: "Y’all, Conor Cash is Dos Months! He loves to binge eat, watch trashy Bravo shows with his momma, peeing on walls, and long car rides. Weighing at a whopping 13lbs, he is focused on maintaining his weight by demanding to be carried or held all day. Even though he is already talking back and refuses to sleep in, I wouldn’t trade anything about my big chunk. #conorcash #oneofmyfaveonesies #yupheisspoiled @ San Marcos, Texas".

Adorbs, right!?!?


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